A graduate of Waiakea High School, James Linden is currently a sophomore at the University of Hawaii at Manoa where he is studying mechanical engineering. His interest in astronomy began in elementary school with his involvement in Future Flight Hawaii. In his free time James enjoys running, hiking, swimming, and surfing. For the 2007-2008 school year James will be participating in the National Student Exchange studying at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.
Home Island: Big Island
High School: Waiakea High School
Institution when accepted: University of Hawaii at Manoa
Akamai Project: Computer Modeling of the Helium Closed-Cycle Cooling System in the Gemini
Project Site: Gemini North Observatory
Mentor: Chas Cavedoni
Project Abstract:
GMOS and NIRI, two observational instruments used at the Gemini North Observatory, share a common gas line in a helium closed-cycle cooling system. For performance, maintenance, and safety, it is important to know the thermodynamic state at any given point in the existing system. A model, which predicted the state of the gas at all points in the closed-system, was developed in the software package PIPE-FLOW Compressible. Pressure gauges and a mass flow meter were used to validate the values predicted by the computer model. The model was then used to predict the adjustments needed to operate the GMOS + GNIRS configuration, scheduled for next year, which will require a greater flow rate through the entire system. The model, measurements confirming the existing system, and predictions for the GMOS + GNIRS configuration will be presented.