Born and raised on Maui, Troy graduated from Baldwin HS in 2010. He is currently majoring in Computer Science at UH Manoa. After earning his BS degree, Troy plans to attain his master’s degree before pursuing a career in software engineering, application development, or game design. In his leisure time, Troy enjoys photography, art, and playing video games.
Home Island: Maui
High School: Baldwin HS
Institute when accepted: UH Manoa
CA Dashboard Web Application for Viewing the Status of PDC Databases
Project Site: Pacific Disaster Center
Mentor: Steve Kunitzer
The Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) compiles global data on disasters and distributes information to disaster management groups. For an organization like the PDC, where disaster information is received from numerous sources, the flow of data is vital. Disaster information is processed in tiers by the PDC ranging from informational and observational data to life threatening hazard information that requires notifications to be sent to subscribers. When the chain of data processing is interrupted, essential information can fail to reach both clients and the public. The goal of this project was to design a dashboard web application to allow PDC employees to locate problems within the processing chain of the Dynamic Data Processor and Publication (D2P2) engine. In the D2P2 engine, information is processed through three tiers in the chain and stored in a data table at each tier. The project web application is able to retrieve and display information from each of the data tables. Each table entry indicates the success or failure of its information processing. By scanning these indicators, the application can show the user where in the processing chain any error(s) occurred. The application is deployed internally at the PDC and is intended for use only by the PDC employees, who will utilize the application for diagnosis when information that should be reaching PDC DisasterAWARE products fails to display. The software development team at the PDC will continue to enhance the application for usability and integration with the rest of the PDC systems.