Julina Lee is from Hilo, Hawaii. She is a mother of two daughters. She graduated from Waiakea High School in 2008. She currently attends Hawaii Community College and will graduate in Spring 2018 with her Associates in Science degree in Information Technology. She will also receive a Certificate of Competence in Information Security in Fall 2019. She plans to further her education at Western Governors University to pursue her Bachelors Degree in Information Technology. She enjoys powerlifting and spending time with her family.
Home Island: Big Island
Institution when accepted: Hawaii Community College
Akamai Project: Updating FITS Files for Transfer to Astronomers
Project Site: Subaru Telescope
Mentor: Tom Winegar
Project Abstract:
The Subaru archive stores images taken during the night at the summit in FITS format, which is an ASCII text header followed by a binary image. Currently, the astronomers can only download FITS files as they were written during observation. Subaru supports a new instrument called Hyper-Suprime Cam (HSC) that creates 300GB of data and 15,000 FITS images a night. HSC processes the quality of each picture after observation and this assessment is not included within the original FITS file. The quality assessment includes the seeing size of the target and transparency of the atmosphere. HSC team would like to include these quality assessments as corrections to the FITS file. Therefore, the archive has conflicting requirements: storing the original FITS for the archive and correcting the FITS file for the observer. The purpose of this project is to update the FITS files with the statistical assessments. To achieve this, corrections are written as a small ASCII text file that can be read and transferred quickly. I helped implement Python programs to copy the original FITS file and insert the ASCII text corrections to create a new FITS file at the observers location or during transfer. When the observer has the original FITS files, they can receive corrections and update the FITS headers without transferring again and doubling their transfer time. I also provided file validation for the updated FITS using MD5 values when the observer applies the correction. This adds a new function for the archive to make corrections to FITS after observation without increasing transfer time.