Additional Resources
Below are various resources that summarize the success of the Akamai internship program, various aspects of the program, and additional research that has been done to supplement the program, such as valued workplace skills.
Please feel free to distribute with credit attributed to the Akamai Workforce Initiative, Institute for Scientist and Engineer Educators, and additional authors of individual documents.
Contact us at for any specific requests, we are happy to support you if you would like anything customized for your use!
2018 Akamai Internship Program Highlights
Valued Hawaii STEM Workforce Skills
The UCSC Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators: Supporting Multi-Level STEM Workforce Development
This brief presents an external perspective on the design of the Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators, its relationship to the Akamai Workforce Initiative, and the contributions of ISEE to local workforce development at multiple levels. It also distills broader design lessons that may be of interest to other STEM workforce development initiatives.
The Design and Evolution of the Akamai Workforce Initiative
Additional Resources
Below are various resources that summarize the success of the Akamai internship program, various aspects of the program, and additional research that has been done to supplement the program, such as valued workplace skills.
Please feel free to distribute with credit attributed to the Akamai Workforce Initiative, Institute for Scientist and Engineer Educators, and additional authors of individual documents.
Contact us at for any specific requests, we are happy to support you if you would like anything customized for your use!
2018 Akamai Internship Program Highlights
Valued Hawaii STEM Workforce Skills
The UCSC Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators: Supporting Multi-Level STEM Workforce Development
This brief presents an external perspective on the design of the Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators, its relationship to the Akamai Workforce Initiative, and the contributions of ISEE to local workforce development at multiple levels. It also distills broader design lessons that may be of interest to other STEM workforce development initiatives.
The Design and Evolution of the Akamai Workforce Initiative
Additional Resources
Below are various resources that summarize the success of the Akamai internship program, various aspects of the program, and additional research that has been done to supplement the program, such as valued workplace skills.
Please feel free to distribute with credit attributed to the Akamai Workforce Initiative, Institute for Scientist and Engineer Educators, and additional authors of individual documents.
Contact us at for any specific requests, we are happy to support you if you would like anything customized for your use!
2018 Akamai Internship Program Highlights
Valued Hawaii STEM Workforce Skills
The UCSC Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators: Supporting Multi-Level STEM Workforce Development
This brief presents an external perspective on the design of the Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators, its relationship to the Akamai Workforce Initiative, and the contributions of ISEE to local workforce development at multiple levels. It also distills broader design lessons that may be of interest to other STEM workforce development initiatives.