Cami Nakagawa was born and raised in Kihei on the island of Maui, where she graduated from Kamehameha Schools Maui in 2023. She is a first-year undergraduate student studying Computer Science and Coastal Marine Sciences at Amherst College in Massachusetts. She rows for the Amherst crew team, plays club water polo, and is a member of the Hawai’i Club and Outing Club. In her free time, Cami loves to study languages, learn new skills, be in the ocean, and spend time with friends and family. She is passionate about learning and is currently looking to find a bridge between her interests to pursue as a career. In the future, she hopes to return home and use her knowledge and skills to help the people and wildlife of Hawai’i.
Home Island: Maui
High School: Kamehameha Schools Maui
Institution when accepted: Amherst College
Project Site: University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hilo, Big Island HI
Mentor: Winston Wu
Project Abstract:
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