Claire is from the Big Island of Hawai’i where she graduated from Waiãkea High School in 2023. She is a rising sophomore at Boston College majoring in Neuroscience with a potential minor in Global Public Health. Claire is passionate about STEM education for youth and would like to pursue a career in biotechnology upon graduation. Alongside her studies, she enjoys swimming and going to the beach.
Home Island: Big Island Hawai’i
High School: Waiãkea High School
Institution when accepted: Boston College
Project Site: KOWA Premium Foods Hawaii (formerly Big Island Abalone), Kona, Big Island HI
Mentor: Ashley Van Jetzer
Project Title: Improving Edible Macroalgae Production and Shelf Life in Aquaculture Farming Systems
Edible macroalgae are becoming increasingly popular food products due to their numerous health benefits and culinary appeal. As a result, the KOWA Premium Foods Hawai’i Corporation (KPFHC) is looking to expand its production to include two types of edible macroalgae—caulerpa lentillifera (sea grapes) and halymenia. However, macroalgae are sensitive to environmental changes, leading to rapid mortality under stressed conditions, extremely variable harvests, growth of competitive algae species, and a short expiration period of the product. Thus, KPFHC has faced challenges in meeting production goals and supplying a clean product that meets quality standards. This project investigates potential methods to stimulate desirable growth and morphology of the macroalgae. Multiple experiments involving depth, light levels, fertilizer application, and screen sizes were conducted in saltwater aquaculture tanks. The effectiveness of the experimental methods was analyzed through initial and final weights of the macroalgae, pH and nutrient levels in the tank, weekly growth measurements of the seagrapes, and qualitative analysis. Further, experiments were conducted to determine the optimal storage method for seagrapes, such as reducing moisture levels, salting, and storing at low temperatures. The optimal growth system for the macroalgae and storage mechanism for the sea grapes will be presented.