Elsa Wong was born and raised on Oahu, Hawai’i, and graduated from Kalani High School in 2022. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Elsa is currently interested in the fields of web development and data science. In her free time, Elsa enjoys traveling, baking, and spending time with family and friends.
Home Island: O’ahu
High School: Kalani High School
Institution when accepted: University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Project Site: Pacific Disaster Center: PDC, Kihei, Maui
Mentor: Brian Leeper
Project Title: Developing and Automating DisasterAWARE® Analytic Reports for the Pacific Disaster Center
Project Abstract: The Pacific Disaster Center (PDC) is a globally recognized institution focused on disaster risk reduction
through advanced technological solutions and data analytics. Their platform, DisasterAWARE®, serves as PDC’s comprehensive platform for multi-hazard early warning, monitoring, and risk intelligence, providing ample real-time information about hazards happening around the world. Currently, PDC lacks an easily accessible resource for analyzing and improving their PDC Activity Report (PAR) for the DisasterAWARE system. This project will address this gap by automating the generation of weekly and monthly reports, along with a feature enabling users to create custom reports based on selected date ranges. These reports will feature key metrics from the DisasterAWARE system and assist PDC admin in monitoring vital statistics of PDC assets. The automated process generates weekly and monthly statistics reports for the preceding week and month, and creates custom reports based on users chosen date ranges. Python scripts were developed to automate and generate these weekly and monthly key statistics reports, which are then hosted on Amazon S3, a cloud object storage service, as a static HTML website. This was accomplished by configuring the Amazon S3 bucket to enable static website hosting and by developing and designing the HTML sites to ensure a user-friendly interface and seamless navigation. To ensure accuracy, verification and feedback was sought throughout the project. The final product consists of a homepage static HTML site, linking to the various weekly, monthly, and custom statistics reports, which are also hosted as static HTML sites. Overall, this project enhances PDC’s reporting efficiency and supports its mission to reduce disaster risks and impacts through data-driven insights and reporting