Ethan Goore is from Kohala, Hawai’i Island, and graduated from Hawai’i Preparatory Academy. He is currently a mechanical engineering student at Rice University and is interested in aeronautics and renewable energy. He is a member of the Rice University Wind Club, Rice Design Build Fly club, Rice Eclipse rocketry club, and he is executive producer of the Marching Owl Band. For fun, Ethan likes to play Hawaiian music on his steel guitar and ukulele.
Home Island: Hawai’i Island
High School: Hawai’i Preparatory Academy, Waimea HI
Institution when accepted: Rice University
Designing a New Shaker Assembly for Gemini North
Project Site: Gemini Observatory, Hilo, HI
Mentor: Logan Sato & Anthony Sylvester
Project Abstract:
With modern adaptive optics technology, even the smallest, micron-scale vibrations of sensitive telescope equipment can significantly impact image clarity. Many machines in the telescope generate vibrations, and vibrations affect image quality the most when they match one of the telescope’s natural frequencies and, in turn, excessively vibrate the mirrors and other sensitive equipment. Thus, it is useful to know the telescope’s natural frequencies and other vibrational characteristics in order to avoid this resonance. This can be theoretically determined through finite element analysis, but a more accurate result requires physical testing using a process known as modal analysis. Modal analysis is the process of exciting a test specimen at different frequencies and measuring the magnitude of vibration of the test specimen at each frequency. A typical modal analysis setup consists of an exciter, usually an impactor or a shaker, that generates vibrations and accelerometers to measure the magnitude of vibration of the test specimen. The aim of this project is to design a shaker assembly in CAD to be used for conducting modal analysis at Gemini North. This shaker assembly will produce vibrations in a single axis and mount to the instrument support structure in multiple orientations to vibrate the primary mirror, where the accelerometers are mounted. Results from modal analysis conducted with this shaker can be used to make more informed decisions in the future regarding machines in the observatory and their potential impacts on vibrations.