Kianiwai Spangler was born and raised on the island of Maui. She graduated in 2005 from Seabury Hall High School and is about to begin her second year at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, studying electrical engineering. At school she is actively involved in her sorority, Delta Delta Delta, serving as the computer chair on the officers council. Kianiwai hopes to go to graduate school and get her MBA, and eventually move back to Maui. She also enjoys playing volleyball and surfing.
Institution when accepted: Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.
Akamai Project:Â Configuring a Proprietary Wireless Network
Project Site:Â Akimeka
Mentors: Alisa Manangan and Cynthia Fox
Project Abstract:
Parallel to their community service mission, Akimeka is providing educational support in science and technology to the children of Hawaii through The Hawaii Source Education Outreach Project. This project delivers field-based learning opportunities to students by way of The Digital Bus, a mobile science and technology lab. This bus requires wireless Internet access, provided by a private wireless network using 802.11b technology as well as a Karlnet system board for outdoor wireless networking. Three access points, where the antennas are located, are set up around the island. The goal of this project is to set up a wireless network for the Digital Bus. The initial step was to set up a “grey box” which contains the system board, wireless cards, and antenna power output/inputs. A DC power source was also required for power. Following the grey box and antenna’s physical installation at the “backbone” location, the Karlnet system board was configured to pickup signals and communicate with the other access points.  The process was then documented with a GIS map producing a diagram of the wireless network “cloud”.  Problems with antennas at the secondary access points prevented testing to be done within the allotted time. Once proper installation and configuration is complete at all access points, the testing phase will launch. This wireless network will enable Akimeka’s Digital Bus to pick up a secure Internet connection as it travels the island of Maui. It will serve as a valuable information resource to improve science and technology education for Hawaii’s youth.