Logan Sato was born and raised in Hilo on the Big Island of Hawaii. He is a 2016 Waiakea High graduate, who now attends Oregon State University pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He hopes to return home a pursue a career in the islands. His hobbies include fishing, speardiving and simply going outdoors. He also enjoys photography and playing pool with his friends on the weekend.
Home Island: Big Island
Institution when accepted: Oregon State University
Akamai Project: Mechanical Design and Analysis of a Mount Assembly for the Gemini North Adaptive Optics Laser Launch Telescopes
Project Site: Gemini Observatory – Hilo, Hawai‘i Island HI
Mentors: Chas Cavedoni, Stacy Kang
Project Abstract:
Gemini North has embarked on a program to upgrade its current, single laser guide star adaptive optics system (LGS) with a multi-conjugate adaptive optics laser guide star system (MCAO). The MCAO system under development requires the implementation of 4 to 6 Laser Launch Telescopes (LLTs) nominally 1.5-m long by 475-mm diameter weighing approximately 150 kilograms. The LLT’s mount to the telescope’s center section and rotates with the telescope along its elevation angle. The LLT mount must provide the ability to project the laser guide star beams repeatedly into an 8 arc minute constellation at an elevation of ~ 90 km with an accuracy of ¼ arc minute and maintain position regardless of observing conditions. The design, engineering and analysis included the evaluation of all loads, internal stresses, angular deflections, pointing accuracy, repeatability and resolution while satisfying all geometrical constraints. I performed all 3-d modeling and finite element analysis (FEA) with Autodesk Inventor. FEA results were verified using accepted closed form equations. The design went through several iterations and refinements prior to meeting or exceeding system requirements.