PREPARING FOR THE Akamai internship: 

What to expect – Program Overview

This page has information for individuals who have been confirmed acceptance into the Akamai Program (have received an offer and have returned signed agreement and other acceptance documents), and includes information about, What to expect during the internship: Program overviewThis page does not include detailed information needed for interns once the program has begun, which will be provided when the program begins.

The Akamai internship program is more than just attending a host site. Below is a brief outline of each program component. See also, the attached summer program calendar for the summer schedule.

  • PREP course – The Akamai program kicks off with a short course, PREP course, filled with open-ended critical thinking activities designed to prepare interns for [non academic setting]. 
  • Communications Course – Interns stay connected to Akamai program staff through weekly science communication course meetings. Interns are assigned to virtually attend one 1.5 hr meeting, complete weekly communication assignments, and receive coaching on communications skills.
  • Mid-point check in and presentation coaching – Half way through the summer, Akamai staff visit interns, and interns give a mid-point presentation to the staff team which serves as practice for the final symposium at the end of the summer. Akamai staff keep tabs on each intern-mentor pair, making sure that interns’ experience is high quality and that the mentor is satisfied with the project.
  • Symposium – Each intern will present a 10 minute technical presentation at a symposium near their internship site.There are four scheduled symposia: Waimea Symposium (for Waimea and Kona-area interns), Hilo Symposium (Hilo-based interns), Maui Symposium (Maui-based interns), and California Symposium (Santa Cruz-based interns). We encourage interns and mentors to invite colleagues from the organization and family to the symposium.

The Akamai staff team works closely with mentors and interns to ensure the best possible experience. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or thoughts. We’re here to help!

    As always please let us know if you have any questions.



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