Home Island: Kauai
High School: Waimea
Institution when accepted: Kauai Community College
Akamai Project: GEODESS Documentation
Project Site: Northrop Grumman GEODSS at Haleakala, Maui
Mentors: Albert Esquibel & Harold Wergers
Project Abstract:
The GEODSS project is used to tracking man made objects in space for the Air Force. Documentation of preventative maintenance for Northrop Grumman’s Ground-Based Electro Optical Deep Space Surveillance (GEODSS) project is important in order to train new employees. The goal of this project is to have Video documentation that co-insides with Computer Based Training (CBT) will make it easier to train future workers and get them onto the work site faster. The training covers several ways of learning including visual, how-to and written communication. The final project with be a SVD and or CD and will be sued on the Northrop Grumann sites for training.