Travis Prose was born and raised on the Big Island of Hawaii in the shadow of Mauna Kea. He is currently a Junior at the University of Hawaii at Hilo, double majoring in computer science and astronomy. He enjoys computer programming and feels that a background in astronomy will give him a sound footing for computer technologies needed for astronomers. Interning for the CfAO is a valuable “real life” experience which will add tremendously to his expanding knowledge base.
Home Island: Big Island
Institution when accepted: University of Hawai’i at Hilo
Akamai Project: Development of the GHSD (Gemini Health Status Display) for Gemini Observing Assistants and Astronomers
Project Site: Gemini North Observatory
Mentor: Angelic Ebbers
Project Abstract:
With only so much time to make observations, it is important that astronomers find out if there is a problem, and its location, so it can be fixed and the loss of time can be minimized. In the past, those observing would need to look through multiple engineering screens to find out where and what the problem was. The Gemini Health Status Display (GHSD) allows observers to look in one place and tell the general health of all the systems needed to run the telescope, such as the Gemini Adaptive Optics System and the Primary Control System. When one of the lights on the GHSD changes from green to either yellow or red, the observers will be able to fix any problem, so the observation may continue. The GHSD is built using a combination of TCL/TK and EPICS. Object-oriented programming is used to reduce the time needed to program the GHSD. With limited time to take data, it is imperative to find and fix problems in the fastest way possible, and the GHSD is a simple solution that will allow astronomers to do this.