Daniella-Dawn Manansala was born in Hawaii on the island of Kauai. Shortly after hurricane Iniki she moved to California where she attended school until her junior year in high school. Daniella moved back to Kauai in 2000 and is currently attending Kauai Community College. She will be graduating in May with an Associates Degree in Applies Science in Electronics. In August she will start a job as an electronic technician at PMRF. She also would like to go to UH at Manoa, enroll in the Electrical Engineering program, get her Bachelors Degree and work as a Marine Tech/Engineer at Port Allen on Kauai. Daniella enjoys spending time with her 17-month-old son, watching movies and anime, working on cars and reading a good book.
Home Island: Kauai
High School:
Institution when accepted: Kauai Community College
Akamai Project: Mobile Modular Command Center (M2C2): The Next Level in Military Communications
Project Site: Akimeka LLC
Mentors: Jeff Gaylord, Ryan Harris & Amanda Hernandez
Project Abstract:
The U.S. Marine Corps is constructing a vehicle that will facilitate the flow of voice communication, text and video imagery data and battlefield sensor data. The Mobile Modular Command Center (M2C2) will leverage off existing communication infrastructure and be capable of deployment under any circumstances. Along with the already existing Joint Early Entry Package (JEEP) it will provide network support to early deployed reconnaissance troops. All these capabilities will be located in the back of a military High Mobility Multi?purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), with the ability to be operated by a two?man team: the driver and a radio operator. The technology, manpower and equipment are available, and ready to be used. The goal of this project is to train Marines to understand and use the M2C2 to its full potential. In support of the M2C2 objective, Advanced Training Technologies Program (ATTP) will augment and support existing U.S. Marines Corps training programs. ATTP will make it possible for the Marines to receive proper and complete training any time, any place and in any situation. Creating the M2C2 architecture is only the first step in the overall success of the M2C2 program. Our research has yielded that all military programs are constructed following the Individual Training Standards (ITS). By following the ITS it will insure a uniformity with the M2C2 program and all other military training programs. Doing a map and gap analysis on the current training protocol, will help identify an effective training program. Our research has also yielded that simulations used in the past have gained a solid reputation and has had the best results. We propose that by implementing a simulation soldiers are able to gain the experience and knowledge that is necessary to operate the M2C2. This is done by giving Marines the opportunity to work hands on with actual equipment. A proposal was constructed compiling our research, recommendations, and the methodology we based our decisions on.