Jenny was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and as of 2022, currently attends Kapi’olani Community College. She plans on continuing her education at University Of Manoa to complete her B.S. in Electrical Engineering. Jenny values the collaboration and the interdisciplinary aspects of engineering, and plans to use her education and work experience to improve the quality of life for her community. In her free time, she enjoys being highly involved in school through Ecology Club and Student Congress but also takes the time to enjoy the little things with her friends through treating herself whether that be through matcha soft serve to going on a hike.
Home Island: O‘ahu
High School:
Institution when accepted: Kapi’olani Community College
Akamai Project: Setup and Analysis of Proposed Data Loggers Used in Telemetry for the Prime Focus Spectrograph
Project Site: Subaru Telescope, Hilo HI
Mentor: Lucio Ramos
Project Abstract:
The Subaru Telescope, located on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii, uses an instrument called the ‘Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS).’ Within the telemetry system of the spectrograph, data loggers monitor temperature, coolant flow, and pressure to control environmental conditions. Due to the demands of the telescope instrumentation, the life cycle of current data loggers, 34972A Switch Unit, and its module, 34901A, are scheduled to be updated with the DAQ970A Switch Unit and module, DAQM90, from the same manufacturer, Keysight. They will serve as on site spares and eventually be phased in as replacements. Serving to minimize the downtime during installation for Subaru technicians, the project’s aims were the following; to confirm the presence of required features, test under controlled conditions, set up preliminary configurations, and create user documentation. Equipment was set up and configured under controlled lab conditions. To compare if the technology was within their respective error range, temperature was recorded with J type thermocouples. When compared to a multimeter’s findings, both models were within range. Further review found the updated technology differed in the following ways: the removal of the GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus), the addition of a USB port, LCD, condensed wiring layout of terminals, optimized integrated circuit chips, ten times faster scans (5000 versus 500 per second), twice the memory (100,000 versus 50,000 scans), as well two extra scan channels and an auto-calibration feature. The updated switch unit and module were found to have the required features. Additionally, the project’s documentation and preliminary configurations will be available as a reference to relevant parties for smoother integration into the current telemetry system at the Subaru Telescope.